Redox metabolism refers to the series of biochemical processes involving the transfer of electrons between molecules. The term "redox" is a contraction of "reduction-oxidation," where reduction refers to the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom, or ion, and oxidation denotes the loss of electrons.
📺 Subchannels:
- ⚡️ Microbial electrosynthesis
- Heavy metal metabolism
- Yeast xylose fermentation
- Reactive oxygen species
- Yeast mitochondrial heme
- Microbial oxidative stress
- Ferroptosis
- Methylglyoxal metabolism
- Periplasm and NAD(P)(H) homeostasis
- Periplasm and redox homeostasis
- Peroxisome redox homeostasis in yeasts
- Animal Complex I
- Animal respiration
- Complex IV and NO
- Epigenetics and redox metabolism
- Inflammation and redox metabolism
- Neurons, GI tract, and short-chain fatty acids
- Tau proteins, microglia, and oligodendroglia
- Aerobic fermentation and oleic acid
- Fatty acid and redox metabolism
- 🦅 Mitochondrial metabolism in birds