Quantitative protein biomarker panels: a path to improved clinical practice through proteomics
- Johannes Hartl
- Markus Ralser
- Michael Mülleder
- March 20, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Johannes Hartl, Florian Kurth, Kai Kappert, …, Michael Mülleder, Gunther Hartmann, Markus Ralser
- EMBO Mol Med, 10.15252/emmm.202216061
High-throughput proteomics of nanogram-scale samples with Zeno SWATH MS
- Johannes Hartl
- Markus Ralser
- Michael Mülleder
- November 30, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Ziyue Wang, Michael Mülleder, Ihor Batruch, …, Vadim Demichev, Stephen Tate, Markus Ralser
- Elife, 10.7554/elife.83947
The human host response to monkeypox infection: a proteomic case series study
- Johannes Hartl
- Julia Muenzner
- Markus Ralser
- Michael Mülleder
- September 28, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Ziyue Wang, Pinkus Tober-Lau, Vadim Farztdinov, …, Michael Mülleder, Markus Ralser, Florian Kurth
- EMBO Mol Med, 10.15252/emmm.202216643
A multiplex protein panel assay for severity prediction and outcome prognosis in patients with COVID-19: An observational multi-cohort study
- Johannes Hartl
- June 15, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Ziyue Wang, Adam Cryar, Oliver Lemke, …, Ernestas Sirka, Johannes Hartl, Markus Ralser
- None, 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101495
The metabolic growth limitations of petite cells lacking the mitochondrial genome
- Bernd Timmermann
- Jakob Vowinckel
- Johannes Hartl
- Martin Kerick
- November 20, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Jakob Vowinckel, Johannes Hartl, Hans Marx, …, James I MacRae, Michael Breitenbach, Markus Ralser
- Nat Metab, 10.1038/s42255-021-00477-6
Reciprocal growth control by competitive binding of nucleotide second messengers to a metabolic switch in Caulobacter crescentus
- Johannes Hartl
- November 10, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Viktoriya Shyp, Badri Nath Dubey, Raphael Böhm, …, Sebastian Hiller, Tilman Schirmer, Urs Jenal
- Nat Microbiol, 10.1038/s41564-020-00809-4
Molecular Basis of Growth Inhibition by Acetate of an Adenylate Cyclase-Deficient Mutant of Corynebacterium glutamicum
- Johannes Hartl
- March 3, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Natalie Wolf, Michael Bussmann, Abigail Koch-Koerfges, …, Julia A Vorholt, Meike Baumgart, Michael Bott
- None, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00087
Untargeted metabolomics links glutathione to bacterial cell cycle progression
- Johannes Hartl
- February 25, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Johannes Hartl, Patrick Kiefer, Andreas Kaczmarczyk, …, Bodo Hattendorf, Urs Jenal, Julia A Vorholt
- Nat Metab, 10.1038/s42255-019-0166-0
Methanol-essential growth of Escherichia coli
- Johannes Hartl
- April 19, 2018
- kedalionlabs.com
- Fabian Meyer, Philipp Keller, Johannes Hartl, Olivier G Gröninger, Patrick Kiefer, Julia A Vorholt
- Nat Commun, 10.1038/s41467-018-03937-y
Longevity of major coenzymes allows minimal de novo synthesis in microorganisms
- Johannes Hartl
- May 16, 2017
- kedalionlabs.com
- Johannes Hartl, Patrick Kiefer, Fabian Meyer, Julia A Vorholt
- Nat Microbiol, 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.73