Macroscopic quorum sensing sustains differentiating embryonic stem cells
- Hyun Youk
- January 12, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hirad Daneshpour, Pim van den Bersselaar, Chun-Hao Chao, …, Chun-Hao Chao, Thomas G Fazzio, Hyun Youk
- Nat Chem Biol, 10.1038/s41589-022-01225-x
Slowest possible replicative life at frigid temperatures for yeast
- Hyun Youk
- December 6, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Diederik S Laman Trip, Théo Maire, Diederik S Laman Trip, …, Diederik S Laman Trip, Théo Maire, Hyun Youk
- Nat Commun, 10.1038/s41467-022-35151-2
Correction to: Predictive landscapes hidden beneath biological cellular automata
- Hyun Youk
- December 24, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Lars Koopmans, Hyun Youk
- J Biol Phys, 10.1007/s10867-021-09597-2
Yeasts collectively extend the limits of habitable temperatures by secreting glutathione
- Hyun Youk
- April 22, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Diederik S Laman Trip, Hyun Youk
- Nat Microbiol, 10.1038/s41564-020-0704-2
Cellular Dialogues: Cell-Cell Communication through Diffusible Molecules Yields Dynamic Spatial Patterns
- Hyun Youk
- January 20, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Yiteng Dang, Douwe A J Grundel, Hyun Youk, Yiteng Dang, Douwe A J Grundel, Hyun Youk
- Cell Syst, 10.1016/j.cels.2019.12.001
Modeling cell-cell communication for immune systems across space and time
- Hyun Youk
- January 11, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hirad Daneshpour, Hyun Youk
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Statistical Dynamics of Spatial-Order Formation by Communicating Cells
- Hyun Youk
- November 15, 2018
- kedalionlabs.com
- Eduardo P Olimpio, Yiteng Dang, Hyun Youk
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Molecular-Level Tuning of Cellular Autonomy Controls the Collective Behaviors of Cell Populations
- Hyun Youk
- May 3, 2016
- kedalionlabs.com
- Théo Maire, Hyun Youk
- Cell Syst, 10.1016/j.cels.2015.10.012
Autocrine Signaling and Quorum Sensing: Extreme Ends of a Common Spectrum
- Hyun Youk
- December 17, 2015
- kedalionlabs.com
- Berkalp A DoÄŸaner, Lawrence K Q Yan, Hyun Youk
- Trends Cell Biol, 10.1016/j.tcb.2015.11.002
A collective path toward regeneration
- Hyun Youk
- April 11, 2015
- kedalionlabs.com
- Théo Maire, Hyun Youk
- Cell, 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.039
Sending mixed messages for cell population control
- Hyun Youk
- August 30, 2014
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hyun Youk, Wendell A Lim
- Cell, 10.1016/j.cell.2014.08.013
Secreting and sensing the same molecule allows cells to achieve versatile social behaviors
- Hyun Youk
- February 8, 2014
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hyun Youk, Wendell A Lim
- Science, 10.1126/science.1242782
Imaging single mRNA molecules in yeast
- Hyun Youk
- October 16, 2010
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hyun Youk, Arjun Raj, Alexander van Oudenaarden
- Methods Enzymol, 10.1016/s0076-6879(10)70017-3
Microbiology: Altruistic defence
- Hyun Youk
- September 3, 2010
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hyun Youk, Alexander van Oudenaarden
- Nature, 10.1038/467034a
Growth landscape formed by perception and import of glucose in yeast
- Hyun Youk
- December 18, 2009
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hyun Youk, Alexander van Oudenaarden
- Nature, 10.1038/nature08653
Snowdrift game dynamics and facultative cheating in yeast
- Hyun Youk
- April 8, 2009
- kedalionlabs.com
- Jeff Gore, Hyun Youk, Alexander van Oudenaarden
- Nature, 10.1038/nature07921