Academic lineage
- Uri Alon - MSc student
A comprehensive rRNA variation atlas in health and disease
- Daphna Rothschild
- February 13, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Daphna Rothschild, Teodorus Theo Susanto, Jeffrey P Spence, …, Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong, Jonathan K Pritchard, Maria Barna
- None, 10.1101/2023.01.30.526360
Phenotypic correlates of the working dog microbiome
- Daphna Rothschild
- August 22, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Hillary A Craddock, Anastasia Godneva, Daphna Rothschild, …, Tamar Narkiss, Eran Segal, Jacob Moran-Gilad
- NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes, 10.1038/s41522-022-00329-5
An expanded reference map of the human gut microbiome reveals hundreds of previously unknown species
- Daphna Rothschild
- July 5, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Sigal Leviatan, Saar Shoer, Daphna Rothschild, Maria Gorodetski, Eran Segal
- Nat Commun, 10.1038/s41467-022-31502-1
An atlas of robust microbiome associations with phenotypic traits based on large-scale cohorts from two continents
- Daphna Rothschild
- March 24, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Daphna Rothschild, Sigal Leviatan, Ariel Hanemann, Yossi Cohen, Omer Weissbrod, Eran Segal
- PLoS One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0265756
Potential role of indolelactate and butyrate in multiple sclerosis revealed by integrated microbiome-metabolome analysis
- Daphna Rothschild
- May 5, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Izhak Levi, Michael Gurevich, Gal Perlman, …, Yael Stern, Anat Achiron, Eran Segal
- Cell Rep Med, 10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100246
Diversity and functional landscapes in the microbiota of animals in the wild
- Daphna Rothschild
- March 26, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Doron Levin, Neta Raab, Yishay Pinto, …, David Zeevi, Ido Bachelet, Eran Segal
- Science, 10.1126/science.abb5352
Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition
- Daphna Rothschild
- January 19, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Carolina Medina-Gomez, Rodrigo Bacigalupe, Djawad Radjabzadeh, …, Robert Kraaij, Jeroen Raes, Alexandra Zhernakova
- Nat Genet, 10.1038/s41588-020-00763-1
A reference map of potential determinants for the human serum metabolome
- Daphna Rothschild
- November 12, 2020
- kedalionlabs.com
- Noam Bar, Tal Korem, Omer Weissbrod, …, Paul W Franks, Oluf Pedersen, Eran Segal
- Nature, 10.1038/s41586-020-2896-2
Potential roles of gut microbiome and metabolites in modulating ALS in mice
- Daphna Rothschild
- July 23, 2019
- kedalionlabs.com
- Eran Blacher, Stavros Bashiardes, Hagit Shapiro, …, Marc Gotkine, Eran Segal, Eran Elinav
- Nature, 10.1038/s41586-019-1443-5
Personalized Gut Mucosal Colonization Resistance to Empiric Probiotics Is Associated with Unique Host and Microbiome Features
- Daphna Rothschild
- September 8, 2018
- kedalionlabs.com
- Niv Zmora, Gili Zilberman-Schapira, Jotham Suez, …, Zamir Halpern, Eran Segal, Eran Elinav
- Cell, 10.1016/j.cell.2018.08.041
Host genetics and microbiome associations through the lens of genome wide association studies
- Daphna Rothschild
- June 18, 2018
- kedalionlabs.com
- Omer Weissbrod, Daphna Rothschild, Elad Barkan, Eran Segal
- Curr Opin Microbiol, 10.1016/j.mib.2018.05.003
Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota
- Daphna Rothschild
- March 1, 2018
- kedalionlabs.com
- Daphna Rothschild, Omer Weissbrod, Elad Barkan, …, Alexandra Zhernakova, Eran Elinav, Eran Segal
- Nature, 10.1038/nature25973
Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain
- Daphna Rothschild
- December 2, 2016
- kedalionlabs.com
- Christoph A Thaiss, Shlomik Itav, Daphna Rothschild, …, Asaph Aharoni, Eran Segal, Eran Elinav
- Nature, 10.1038/nature20796
Linear superposition and prediction of bacterial promoter activity dynamics in complex conditions
- Daphna Rothschild
- Jean Hausser
- Pablo Szekely
- May 10, 2014
- kedalionlabs.com
- Daphna Rothschild, Erez Dekel, Jean Hausser, …, Guy Aidelberg, Pablo Szekely, Uri Alon
- PLoS Comput Biol, 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003602