Stress tolerance in entomopathogenic nematodes: Engineering superior nematodes for precision agriculture
- Benjamin Daniel Towbin
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- June 19, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Dorothy Maushe, Vera Ogi, Keerthi Divakaran, …, Carlos Molina, Christian Parisod, Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- J Invertebr Pathol, 10.1016/j.jip.2023.107953
Interference effect of food and emotional stimuli in Stroop-like tasks for children and adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- April 28, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Anna-Malika Camblats, Stéphanie Mathey, Christelle Robert, …, Julie Tricot, Fabien Mourre, Virginie Postal
- J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 10.1080/13803395.2023.2207777
Turnover of Benzoxazinoids during the Aerobic Deterioration of Maize Silage ( Zea mays )
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- January 24, 2023
- kedalionlabs.com
- Josef J Gross, Pierre Mateo, Dietmar Ramhold, …, Ewald Kramer, Matthias Erb, Christelle A M Robert
- J Agric Food Chem, 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c06699
The role of liquid biopsy in management of the neck with indeterminate response on post-treatment imaging following non-surgical management of oropharyngeal cancer
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- October 16, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Lucy Q Li, Martyna Adamowicz, Robert A Wescott, …, Ashley Hay, Timothy J Aitman, Iain J Nixon
- Eur J Surg Oncol, 10.1016/j.ejso.2022.09.016
Word imageability influences the emotionality effect in episodic memory
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- July 20, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Claire Ballot, Christelle Robert, Stéphanie Mathey
- Cogn Process, 10.1007/s10339-022-01102-4
Longitudinal measurement of HPV copy number in cell-free DNA is associated with patient outcomes in HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- April 18, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Sophie J Warlow, Martyna Adamowicz, John P Thomson, …, Ashley Hay, Iain J Nixon, Timothy J Aitman
- Eur J Surg Oncol, 10.1016/j.ejso.2022.03.232
Climate warming can reduce biocontrol efficacy and promote plant invasion due to both genetic and transient metabolomic changes
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- April 6, 2022
- kedalionlabs.com
- Yan Sun, Tobias Züst, Daniele Silvestro, …, Pierre Mateo, Christelle Robert, Heinz Müller-Schärer
- Ecol Lett, 10.1111/ele.14000
Age-related evaluations of imageability and subjective frequency for 1286 neutral and emotional French words: ratings by young, middle-aged, and older adults
- Christelle Aurélie Maud Robert
- June 16, 2021
- kedalionlabs.com
- Claire Ballot, Stéphanie Mathey, Christelle Robert
- Behav Res Methods, 10.3758/s13428-021-01621-6