Permafrost (from perma- 'permanent', and frost) is soil or underwater sediment which continuously remains below 0 °C (32 °F) for two years or more: the oldest permafrost had been continuously frozen for around 700,000 years. Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
2023 Articles
109 articles
An Update on Eukaryotic Viruses Revived from Ancient Permafrost
- Jean-Marie Alempic, Audrey Lartigue, Artemiy E Goncharov, …, Sébastien Santini, Chantal Abergel, Jean-Michel Claverie
- Viruses, 10.3390/v15020564
Cold-adaptative methanogens and methanotrophs drive ecosystem feedback
- Yanfen Wang, Kai Xue, Yanfen Wang, Kai Xue, Yanfen Wang, Kai Xue
- Sci Bull (Beijing), 10.1016/j.scib.2023.05.032
Distinct taxonomic and functional profiles of high Arctic and alpine permafrost-affected soil microbiomes
- Ciro Sannino, Weihong Qi, Joel Rüthi, …, Joel Rüthi, Beat Stierli, Beat Frey
- Microbiome, 10.1186/s40793-023-00509-6
Permafrost microbial communities and functional genes are structured by latitudinal and soil geochemical gradients
- Christopher L Chabot, Susanne Liebner, Stine Holm, …, Allen C Bondurant, Neslihan Taş, Rachel Mackelprang
- ISME J, 10.1038/s41396-023-01429-6
Long-term enriched methanogenic communities from thermokarst lake sediments show species-specific responses to warming
- Michiel H In ‘t Zandt, Jeroen Frank, Polen Yilmaz, …, Geert Cremers, Mike S M Jetten, Cornelia U Welte
- None, 10.1093/femsmc/xtaa008
Microbial life in 25-m-deep boreholes in ancient permafrost illuminated by metagenomics
- Xiaofen Wu, Abraham L Almatari, Wyatt A Cyr, …, Elizaveta M Rivkina, Karen G Lloyd, Tatiana A Vishnivetskaya
- Microbiome, 10.1186/s40793-023-00487-9
Effects of 5-year experimental warming in the Alpine belt on soil Archaea: Multi-omics approaches and prospects
- Federica D’Alò, Laura Zucconi, Silvano Onofri, …, Francesco Malfasi, Daniel Kumazawa Morais, Robert Starke
- Environ Microbiol, 10.1111/1758-2229.13152
Tundra Soil Viruses Mediate Responses of Microbial Communities to Climate Warming
- Mengzhi Ji, Xiangyu Fan, Carolyn R Cornell, …, Rongfeng Gao, Yang Liu, Jizhong Zhou
- mBio, 10.1128/mbio.03009-22
Metagenomic survey of the microbiome of ancient Siberian permafrost and modern Kamchatkan cryosols
- Sofia Rigou, Eugène Christo-Foroux, Sébastien Santini, …, Karine Labadie, Chantal Abergel, Jean-Michel Claverie
- None, 10.1093/femsml/uqac003
Climate warming has direct and indirect effects on microbes associated with carbon cycling in northern lakes
- Johanna C Winder, Lucas P P Braga, McKenzie A Kuhn, …, Lauren M Thompson, David Olefeldt, Andrew J Tanentzap
- Glob Chang Biol, 10.1111/gcb.16655
2022 Articles
15 articles
Permafrost in the Cretaceous supergreenhouse
- Juan Pedro Rodríguez-López, Chihua Wu, Tatiana A Vishnivetskaya, …, Julian B Murton, Wenqiang Tang, Chao Ma
- Nat Commun, 10.1038/s41467-022-35676-6
Rapid Response to Experimental Warming of a Microbial Community Inhabiting High Arctic Patterned Ground Soil
- Kevin K Newsham, Birgitte Kortegaard Danielsen, Elisabeth Machteld Biersma, …, Anders Priemé, Cheolwoon Woo, Naomichi Yamamoto
- None, 10.3390/biology11121819
Distinct responses of soil methanotrophy in hummocks and hollows to simulated glacier meltwater and temperature rise in Tibetan glacier foreland
- Xinshu Zhu, Yongcui Deng, Marcela Hernández, …, Jie Fang, Peng Xing, Yongqin Liu
- Sci Total Environ, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160888
Effects of autumn diurnal freeze-thaw cycles on soil bacteria and greenhouse gases in the permafrost regions
- Zhenying Lv, Yuzheng Gu, Shengyun Chen, …, Shengyun Chen, Jianwei Chen, Yinglan Jia
- None, 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1056953
Grinding Beads Influence Microbial DNA Extraction from Organic-Rich Sub-Seafloor Sediment
- Jingjing Niu, Hong Chen, Lanlan Cai, …, Maoqiu He, Rui Zhang, Long Wang
- None, 10.3390/microorganisms10122505
Catchment characteristics and seasonality control the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Kristýna Vrbická, Tyler J Kohler, Lukáš Falteisek, …, Martina Schön, Jemma L Wadham, Marek Stibal
- None, 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1035197
Soil Geochemical Properties Influencing the Diversity of Bacteria and Archaea in Soils of the Kitezh Lake Area, Antarctica
- Qinxin Li, Nengfei Wang, Wenbing Han, …, Long Wang, Jie Liu, Tao Zhang
- None, 10.3390/biology11121855
Response of soil microbial compositional and functional heterogeneity to grazing exclusion in alpine shrub and meadows in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Shilin Wang, Theophilus Atio Abalori, Wenhu Wang, …, Wanting Liu, Jinlan Wang, Wenxia Cao
- None, 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1038805
To assemble or not to assemble: metagenomic profiling of microbially mediated biogeochemical pathways in complex communities
- Jiayin Zhou, Wen Song, Qichao Tu, …, Jiayin Zhou, Wen Song, Qichao Tu
- Brief Bioinform, 10.1093/bib/bbac594
Influence of salinity on the diversity and composition of carbohydrate metabolism, nitrogen and sulfur cycling genes in lake surface sediments
- Qing Liu, Jian Yang, Beichen Wang, …, Wen Liu, Zhengshuang Hua, Hongchen Jiang
- None, 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1019010