Inspired by: Blake Simmons
Ionic liquids and lignocellulose
2023 Articles
285 articles
Enzymatic Cocktail Formulation for Xylan Hydrolysis into Xylose and Xylooligosaccharides
- Danilo Bueno, Caroline de Freitas, Michel Brienzo, …, Danilo Bueno, Caroline de Freitas, Michel Brienzo
- Molecules, 10.3390/molecules28020624
Challenges in Using Ionic Liquids for Cellulosic Ethanol Production
- Francieli Colussi, HĂ©ctor RodrĂguez, Michele Michelin, …, HĂ©ctor RodrĂguez, Michele Michelin, JosĂ© A Teixeira
- Molecules, 10.3390/molecules28041620
Valorization of Hemp-Based Packaging Waste with One-Pot Ionic Liquid Technology
- Julius Choi, Alberto Rodriguez, Blake A Simmons, …, Alberto Rodriguez, Blake A Simmons, John M Gladden
- Molecules, 10.3390/molecules28031427
Investigation of a robust pretreatment technique based on ultrasound-assisted, cost-effective ionic liquid for enhancing saccharification and bioethanol production from wheat straw
- Zhila Ziaei-Rad, Mohammad Pazouki, Jamshid Fooladi, …, Mehrdad Azin, Sathyanarayana N Gummadi, Abdollah Allahverdi
- Sci Rep, 10.1038/s41598-022-27258-9
Combination of biological pretreatment with deep eutectic solvent pretreatment for enhanced enzymatic saccharification of Pinus massoniana
- Fei Li, Yang Liu, Jia Jia, …, Yang Liu, Jia Jia, Hongbo Yu
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129110
Sustainable lignocellulose fractionation by integrating p-toluenesulfonic acid/pentanol pretreatment with mannitol for efficient production of glucose, native-like lignin, and furfural
- Meysam Madadi, Mahdy Elsayed, Fubao Sun, …, Guojie Song, Meisam Tabatabaei, Mortaza Aghbashlo
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128591
Microwave-assisted cassava pulp hydrolysis as food waste biorefinery for biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate production
- Patiya Prasertsilp, Kobchai Pattaragulwanit, Beom Soo Kim, …, Kobchai Pattaragulwanit, Beom Soo Kim, Suchada Chanprateep Napathorn
- None, 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1131053
Proficient bioconversion of rice straw biomass to bioethanol using a novel combinatorial pretreatment approach based on deep eutectic solvent, microwave irradiation and laccase
- Diksha Sawhney, Surbhi Vaid, Ridhika Bangotra, …, Nisha Kapoor, Ritu Mahajan, Bijender Kumar Bajaj
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128791
The coupling effects between acid-catalyzed hydrothermal pretreatment and acidic/alkaline deep eutectic solvent extraction for wheat straw fractionation
- Na Pan, Baiheng Jiang, Jinguang Hu, …, Li Zhao, Fei Shen, Dong Tian
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129579
Recent Advances in Application of Polyoxometalates in Lignocellulose Pretreatment and Transformation
- Haoyu Deng, Wenbiao Xu, Dan Zhang, …, Dan Zhang, Xiangyu Li, Junyou Shi
- None, 10.3390/polym15102401
2022 Articles
27 articles
Nature-inspired pretreatment of lignocellulose – Perspective and development
- Shulin Chen, Maryam Davaritouchaee, Shulin Chen, …, Maryam Davaritouchaee, Shulin Chen, Maryam Davaritouchaee
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128456
Elucidating the Reaction Pathways of Veratrylglycero-ÎČ-Guaiacyl Ether Degradation over Metal-Free Solid Acid Catalyst with Hydrogen
- Hao Ruan, Zhangyang Xu, Adarsh Kumar, …, Hari P Paudel, Yuhua Duan, Bin Yang
- ChemSusChem, 10.1002/cssc.202202001
Journey of lignin from a roadblock to bridge for lignocellulose biorefineries: A comprehensive review
- Vishal Sharma, Mei-Ling Tsai, Parushi Nargotra, …, Reeta Rani Singhania, Anil Kumar Patel, Cheng-Di Dong
- Sci Total Environ, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160560
Co-Fermentation of Glucose-Xylose Mixtures from Agroindustrial Residues by Ethanologenic Escherichia coli: A Study on the Lack of Carbon Catabolite Repression in Strain MS04
- EstefanĂa Sierra-Ibarra, Alejandra Vargas-Tah, Cessna L Moss-Acosta, …, MartĂn G HernĂĄndez-Luna, Eduardo Vivaldo-Lima, Alfredo MartĂnez
- Molecules, 10.3390/molecules27248941
Evaluation of engineered low-lignin poplar for conversion into advanced bioproducts
- Chien-Yuan Lin, Gina M Geiselman, Di Liu, …, Henrik V Scheller, John M Gladden, Aymerick Eudes
- None, 10.1186/s13068-022-02245-4
Bioconversion of corn fiber to bioethanol: Status and perspectives
- Minghui Wang, Jie Qiao, Yijie Sheng, …, Haiyang Cui, Xiujuan Li, Guojun Yue
- Waste Manag, 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.12.026
Enabling the complete valorization of hybrid Pennisetum: Directly using alkaline black liquor for preparing UV-shielding biodegradable films
- Haojiang Qian, Yafeng Fan, Jiazhao Chen, …, Linsong He, Yongming Sun, Lianhua Li
- None, 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1027511
Deep eutectic solvents for improved biomass pretreatment: Current status and future prospective towards sustainable processes
- MarĂa Del Mar Contreras-GĂĄmez, Ăngel GalĂĄn-MartĂn, Nalin Seixas, …, AndrĂ© M da Costa Lopes, Armando Silvestre, Eulogio Castro
- Bioresour Technol, 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128396
Fermentative α-Humulene Production from Homogenized Grass Clippings as a Growth Medium
- Alexander Langsdorf, Anna-Lena Drommershausen, Marianne Volkmar, …, Marianne Volkmar, Roland Ulber, Dirk Holtmann
- Molecules, 10.3390/molecules27248684
Biosynthesis and biodegradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from Priestia flexa; A promising mangrove halophyte towards the development of sustainable eco-friendly bioplastics
- Nayana Chathalingath, Joshua Stephen Kingsly, Anbarasi Gunasekar, …, Nayana Chathalingath, Joshua Stephen Kingsly, Anbarasi Gunasekar
- Microbiol Res, 10.1016/j.micres.2022.127270