Archaeology or archeology is the study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture. The archaeological record consists of artifacts, architecture, biofacts or ecofacts, sites, and cultural landscapes. Archaeology can be considered both a social science and a branch of the humanities. Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
2023 Articles
1 070 articles
Did our ancestors nearly die out?
- Nick Ashton, Chris Stringer, Nick Ashton, Chris Stringer
- Science, 10.1126/science.adj9484
Earliest parietal art: hominin hand and foot traces from the middle Pleistocene of Tibet
- David D Zhang, Matthew R Bennett, Hai Cheng, …, Cong Wang, Dongju Zhang, R Lawrence Edwards
- Sci Bull (Beijing), 10.1016/j.scib.2021.09.001
Review: The different adaptive trajectories in Neanderthals and Homo sapiens and their implications for contemporary human physiological variation
- Emma Pomeroy, Emma Pomeroy, Emma Pomeroy, Emma Pomeroy, Emma Pomeroy, Emma Pomeroy
- Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, 10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111420
[The history of skin color is the history of mankind!]
- Andreas Montag, Andreas Montag, Andreas Montag
- Dermatologie (Heidelb), 10.1007/s00105-022-05101-6
Reconstructing the provenance of the hominin fossils from Trinil (Java, Indonesia) through an integrated analysis of the historical and recent excavations
- Eduard Pop, Sander Hilgen, Shinatria Adhityatama, …, Sofwan Noerwidi, Wil Roebroeks, Josephine Joordens
- J Hum Evol, 10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103312
First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship
- Martin Trautmann, Alin Frînculeasa, Bianca Preda-Bălănică, …, Gabriel Vasile, David Anthony, Volker Heyd
- Sci Adv, 10.1126/sciadv.ade2451
Tooth chipping patterns in Archaeolemur provide insight into diet and behavior
- Ian Towle, Paul J Constantino, Matthew R Borths, …, Paul J Constantino, Matthew R Borths, Carolina Loch
- Am J Biol Anthropol, 10.1002/ajpa.24674
Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to map collagen content in prehistoric bones for radiocarbon dating
- Cristina Malegori, Giorgia Sciutto, Silvia Prati, …, Dragana Paleček, Rocco Mazzeo, Sahra Talamo
- None, 10.1038/s42004-023-00848-y
Paleoanthropology of cognition: an overview on Hominins brain evolution
- Jean-Jacques Hublin, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Jean-Pierre Changeux
- C R Biol, 10.5802/crbiol.92
Evolution of vertebral numbers in primates, with a focus on hominoids and the last common ancestor of hominins and panins
- Jeffrey K Spear, Mark Grabowski, Yeganeh Sekhavati, …, Milena R Shattuck, Asier Gómez-Olivencia, Scott A Williams
- J Hum Evol, 10.1016/j.jhevol.2023.103359
2022 Articles
103 articles
Human Genetic Research in Wallacea and Sahul: Recent Findings and Future Prospects
- Leonard Taufik, João C Teixeira, Bastien Llamas, …, Herawati Sudoyo, Raymond Tobler, Gludhug A Purnomo
- Genes (Basel), 10.3390/genes13122373
Layered habitats: An evolutionary model for present-day recreational needs
- Jonathan Stoltz, Jonathan Stoltz
- None, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.914294
Challenges and perspectives on functional interpretations of australopith postcrania and the reconstruction of hominin locomotion
- Marine Cazenave, Tracy L Kivell, Marine Cazenave, …, Tracy L Kivell, Marine Cazenave, Tracy L Kivell
- J Hum Evol, 10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103304
When half is more than the whole: Wheat domestication syndrome reconsidered
- Zvi Peleg, Shahal Abbo, Avi Gopher, Zvi Peleg, Shahal Abbo, Avi Gopher
- None, 10.1111/eva.13472
An insight into cancer palaeobiology: does the Mesozoic neoplasm support tissue organization field theory of tumorigenesis?
- Justyna Słowiak-Morkovina, Tomasz Szczygielski, Maciej Kamaszewski, …, Piotr Duda, Bruce M Rothschild, Dorota Konietzko-Meier
- BMC Ecol Evol, 10.1186/s12862-022-02098-3
Moving beyond the adaptationist paradigm for human evolution, and why it matters
- Lauren Schroeder, Rebecca Rogers Ackermann, Lauren Schroeder, …, Rebecca Rogers Ackermann, Lauren Schroeder, Rebecca Rogers Ackermann
- J Hum Evol, 10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103296
Kinship practices in the early state El Argar society from Bronze Age Iberia
- Camila Oliart, Cristina Rihuete-Herrada, Adam B Rohrlach, …, Rafael Micó, Roberto Risch, Wolfgang Haak
- Sci Rep, 10.1038/s41598-022-25975-9
Maternal genetic diversity of ancient goats in Finland and Estonia and comparison with extant northern European goat breeds
- Eve Rannamäe, Urmas Saarma, Juha Kantanen, …, Urmas Saarma, Juha Kantanen, Auli Bläuer
- Anim Genet, 10.1111/age.13281
The game of models: Dietary reconstruction in human evolution
- Oliver C C Paine, David J Daegling, Oliver C C Paine, …, David J Daegling, Oliver C C Paine, David J Daegling
- J Hum Evol, 10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103295
Neolithic dental calculi provide evidence for environmental proxies and consumption of wild edible fruits and herbs in central Apennines
- Alessia D’Agostino, Gabriele Di Marco, Silvia Marvelli, …, Mario Federico Rolfo, Antonella Canini, Angelo Gismondi
- Commun Biol, 10.1038/s42003-022-04354-0