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2023 Articles
2 854 articles
Editorial: Dissociations between neural activity and conscious state: a key to understanding consciousness
- Joel Frohlich, Julia S Crone, Pedro A M Mediano, …, Pedro A M Mediano, Daniel Toker, Daniel Bor
- None, 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1256168
Not with a “zap” but with a “beep”: Measuring the origins of perinatal experience
- Joel Frohlich, Tim Bayne, Julia S Crone, …, Karolina Talar, Alireza Gharabaghi, Hubert Preissl
- Neuroimage, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120057
An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory
- Lucia Melloni, Liad Mudrik, Michael Pitts, …, Stanislas Dehaene, Christof Koch, Giulio Tononi
- PLoS One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0268577
Responsiveness variability during anaesthesia relates to inherent differences in brain structure and function of the frontoparietal networks
- Feng Deng, Nicola Taylor, Adrian M Owen, …, Adrian M Owen, Rhodri Cusack, Lorina Naci
- Hum Brain Mapp, 10.1002/hbm.26199
Analogous cortical reorganization accompanies entry into states of reduced consciousness during anesthesia and sleep
- Bryan M Krause, Declan I Campbell, Christopher K Kovach, …, Hiroto Kawasaki, Kirill V Nourski, Matthew I Banks
- Cereb Cortex, 10.1093/cercor/bhad249
Consciousness in a Rotor? Science and Ethics of Potentially Conscious Human Cerebral Organoids
- Federico Zilio, Andrea Lavazza, Federico Zilio, …, Andrea Lavazza, Federico Zilio, Andrea Lavazza
- AJOB Neurosci, 10.1080/21507740.2023.2173329
Consciousness and the Ethics of Human Brain Organoid Research
- Karola Kreitmair
- Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 10.1017/s0963180123000063
Fronto-parietal networks shape human conscious report through attention gain and reorienting
- Dimitri J Bayle, Alfredo Spagna, Jacobo D Sitt, …, Vincent Navarro, Tal Seidel Malkinson, Paolo Bartolomeo
- Commun Biol, 10.1038/s42003-023-05108-2
Default mode network overshadow executive control network in coma emergence and awakening prediction of patients with sTBI
- Rui-Zhe Zheng, Can-Xin Xu, Lai-Yang Zhou, …, Can-Xin Xu, Lai-Yang Zhou, Dong-Fu Feng
- Neuroimage Clin, 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103361
2022 Articles
361 articles
Complex of global functional network as the core of consciousness
- Keiichi Onoda, Hiroyuki Akama, Keiichi Onoda, …, Hiroyuki Akama, Keiichi Onoda, Hiroyuki Akama
- Neurosci Res, 10.1016/j.neures.2022.12.007
Dual interaction between heartbeat-evoked responses and stimuli
- Yihui Zhang, Jianfeng Zhang, Musi Xie, …, Nai Ding, Yang Zhang, Pengmin Qin
- Neuroimage, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119817
Disrupted relationship between intrinsic neural timescales and alpha peak frequency during unconscious states – A high-density EEG study
- Andrea Buccellato, Di Zang, Federico Zilio, …, Alessandra Del Felice, Ying Mao, Georg Northoff
- Neuroimage, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119802
Color diversity judgments in peripheral vision: Evidence against “cost-free” representations
- Brylee Hawkins, Dee Evans, Anya Preston, …, Kiara Lolo, Nicholas Rosario, Brian Odegaard
- PLoS One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0279686
The mechanisms of selective attention in phenomenal consciousness
- Salvatore G Chiarella, Luca Simione, Monia D’Angiò, …, Monia D’Angiò, Antonino Raffone, Enrico Di Pace
- Conscious Cogn, 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103446
Involuntary refreshing of mental representations
- Anthony G Velasquez, Jessica K Yankulova, Nathan A White, …, Nathan A White, Adam Gazzaley, Ezequiel Morsella
- Acta Psychol (Amst), 10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103819
Neural complexity is a common denominator of human consciousness across diverse regimes of cortical dynamics
- Jeffrey N Chiang, Pedro A M Mediano, Mark Nespeca, …, Catherine J Chu, Lynne M Bird, Martin M Monti
- Commun Biol, 10.1038/s42003-022-04331-7
The establishment of the general microexpression recognition ability and its relevant brain activity
- Jianxin Zhang, Ming Yin, Deming Shu, …, Ming Yin, Deming Shu, Dianzhi Liu
- None, 10.3389/fnhum.2022.894702
Further evidence and theoretical framework for a subliminal sensory buffer store (SSBS)
- Damian K F Pang, Stamatis Elntib, Damian K F Pang, …, Stamatis Elntib, Damian K F Pang, Stamatis Elntib
- Conscious Cogn, 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103452
Consciousness alteration in focal epilepsy is related to loss of signal complexity and information processing
- Nada El Youssef, Aude Jegou, Julia Makhalova, …, Lionel Naccache, Christian Bénar, Fabrice Bartolomei
- Sci Rep, 10.1038/s41598-022-25861-4