Children of alcoholics (COAs) often face a unique set of challenges due to the environment they grow up in. Living with a parent who struggles with alcoholism can have profound effects on a child's emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. ChatGPT (CC BY 4.0)
2023 Articles
604 articles
Psychopathology as dynamic markers of alcohol initiation across development: A three-year longitudinal examination
- Ashley L Watts, Mark I Doss, Donte L Bernard, …, Mark I Doss, Donte L Bernard, Kenneth J Sher
- Dev Psychopathol, 10.1017/s0954579423000184
Associations of parent-adolescent closeness with P3 amplitude, frontal theta, and binge drinking among offspring with high risk for alcohol use disorder
- Gayathri Pandey, Sally I-Chun Kuo, Kristina A Horne-Osipenko, …, Kathleen K Bucholz, Jacquelyn L Meyers, Bernice Porjesz
- Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken), 10.1111/acer.14973
The Relationship Between Executive Functions and Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in Mexican Preschoolers
- Judith Salvador-Cruz, Jessica Paola Becerra-Arcos, Judith Salvador-Cruz, …, Jessica Paola Becerra-Arcos, Judith Salvador-Cruz, Jessica Paola Becerra-Arcos
- Dev Neuropsychol, 10.1080/87565641.2023.2166939
Substance use patterns in 9 to 13-year-olds: Longitudinal findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
- Ryan M Sullivan, Natasha E Wade, Alexander L Wallace, …, Hailey G Wirtz, Mary M Heitzeg, Krista M Lisdahl
- None, 10.1016/j.dadr.2022.100120
Associations of observed callous-unemotional behaviors in early childhood with conduct problems and substance use over 14 years
- Meghan Rose Donohue, Caroline P Hoyniak, Rebecca Tillman, …, Rebecca Tillman, Deanna M Barch, Joan Luby
- Dev Psychopathol, 10.1017/s0954579421000791
Parenting, emotion regulation, and externalizing symptomatology as adolescent antecedents to young adult health risk behaviors
- Toria Herd, Karen Jacques, Alexis Brieant, …, Jennie G Noll, Brooks King-Casas, Jungmeen Kim-Spoon
- J Res Adolesc, 10.1111/jora.12831
Sex moderates family history of alcohol use disorder and childhood maltreatment effects on an fMRI stop-signal task
- Amanda Elton, John Hunter Allen, Mya Yorke, …, Farhan Khan, Peng Xu, Charlotte A Boettiger
- Hum Brain Mapp, 10.1002/hbm.26221
The intergenerational transmission of executive function: The mediating effect of parental harsh discipline
- Zhu Li, Xiaohui Xu, Xiaopei Xing, …, Zhu Li, Xiaohui Xu, Xiaopei Xing
- Child Abuse Negl, 10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.106019
Reprint of: Homelessness and child protection involvement: Temporal links and risks to student attendance and school mobility
- Alyssa R Palmer, Kristine Piescher, Daniel Berry, …, Danielle Dupuis, Britt Heinz-Amborn, Ann S Masten
- Child Abuse Negl, 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106156
2022 Articles
82 articles
Child Effortful Control as a Moderator of the Effects of Parenting on Children’s Behavioral Adjustment: A Longitudinal Study Spanning 3 to 10 Years
- Sujin Lee, Hyein Chang, Sheryl L Olson
- Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 10.1007/s10578-022-01481-x
Prenatal cocaine exposure and substance use disorder in emerging adulthood at age 21
- Meeyoung O Min, Sonia Minnes, Sun-Kyung Kim, …, Sun-Kyung Kim, June-Yung Kim, Lynn T Singer
- Drug Alcohol Depend, 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109736
Effects of antenatal micronutrient supplementation regimens on adolescent emotional and behavioral problems: A 14-year follow-up of a double-blind, cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Zhonghai Zhu, Yingze Zhu, Liang Wang, …, Michael J Dibley, Christopher R Sudfeld, Lingxia Zeng
- Clin Nutr, 10.1016/j.clnu.2022.12.001
Lack of amygdala habituation to negative emotional faces in alcohol use disorder and the relation to adverse childhood experiences
- Sarah Gerhardt, Oksana Berhe, Carolin Moessnang, …, Falk Kiefer, Heike Tost, Sabine Vollstädt-Klein
- Addict Biol, 10.1111/adb.13251
The mediating role of resilience in the association between MVPA and psychological ill-being in children with ADHD
- Xiao Liang, Hui Qiu, Cindy H P Sit, …, Xiao Liang, Hui Qiu, Cindy H P Sit
- Scand J Med Sci Sports, 10.1111/sms.14282
A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship Between Trauma-Related Cognitive Processes and Internalising and Externalising Psychopathology in Young People in Out-of-Home Care
- Rebecca S Davis, Sarah L Halligan, Richard Meiser-Stedman, …, Elizabeth Elliott, Georgina Ward, Rachel M Hiller
- Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 10.1007/s10802-022-01005-0
Genetic risk of AUDs and childhood impulsivity: Examining the role of parenting and family environment
- Jinni Su, Angel Trevino, Belal Jamil, Fazil Aliev
- Dev Psychopathol, 10.1017/s095457942200092x
Child Eveningness as a Predictor of Parental Sleep
- Hanni Rönnlund, Marko Elovainio, Irina Virtanen, …, Anna-Riitta Heikkilä, Hanna Raaska, Helena Lapinleimu
- None, 10.3390/children9121968
Development and Validation of a New Gadget Addiction Scale (Screen Dependency Scale) among Pre-School Children in Malaysia
- Azwanis Abdul Hadi, Siti Ruziana Roslan, Edre Mohammad Aidid, …, Edre Mohammad Aidid, Nurzulaikha Abdullah, Ramli Musa
- Int J Environ Res Public Health, 10.3390/ijerph192416916
Annual Research Review: Emotion processing in offspring of mothers with depression diagnoses – a systematic review of neural and physiological research
- Katie L Burkhouse, Autumn Kujawa, Katie L Burkhouse, …, Autumn Kujawa, Katie L Burkhouse, Autumn Kujawa
- J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 10.1111/jcpp.13734