Ancient DNA (aDNA) is DNA isolated from ancient specimens. Due to degradation processes (including cross-linking, deamination and fragmentation) ancient DNA is more degraded in comparison with contemporary genetic material. Even under the best preservation conditions, there is an upper boundary of 0.4–1.5 million years for a sample to contain sufficient DNA for sequencing technologies. Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
2023 Articles
77 363 articles
Human populations are not biologically and genetically discrete
- Martin S Fischer, Johannes Krause, Martin S Fischer, …, Johannes Krause, Martin S Fischer, Johannes Krause
- Br J Psychol, 10.1111/bjop.12635
Human DNA from a prehistoric artefact
- Michael Attwaters, Michael Attwaters, Michael Attwaters, Michael Attwaters
- Nat Rev Genet, 10.1038/s41576-023-00617-6
Huge broad-bean genome could improve yields of an underused crop
- Eric J B von Wettberg, Azalea Guerra-Garcia, Eric J B von Wettberg, …, Azalea Guerra-Garcia, Eric J B von Wettberg, Azalea Guerra-Garcia
- Nature, 10.1038/d41586-023-00461-y
[Multiple loci account for human height]
- Bertrand Jordan, Bertrand Jordan, Bertrand Jordan
- Med Sci (Paris), 10.1051/medsci/2022187
Ancient genomes show how humans escaped Europe’s deep freeze
- Ewen Callaway, Ewen Callaway, Ewen Callaway, Ewen Callaway, Ewen Callaway
- Nature, 10.1038/d41586-023-00611-2
Advancing artificial intelligence to help feed the world
- Ben J Hayes, Chensong Chen, Owen Powell, …, Kira Villiers, Kathryn E Kemper, Lee T Hickey
- Nat Biotechnol, 10.1038/s41587-023-01898-2
Genomics expands the mammalverse
- Nathan S Upham, Michael J Landis, Nathan S Upham, …, Michael J Landis, Nathan S Upham, Michael J Landis
- Science, 10.1126/science.add2209
New genes on the block: Neofunctionalization of tandem duplicate genes with putative new functions in Arabidopsis
- José Manuel Ugalde, Henryk Straube, José Manuel Ugalde, …, Henryk Straube, José Manuel Ugalde, Henryk Straube
- Plant Physiol, 10.1093/plphys/kiad271
Ötzi the Iceman has a new look: balding and dark-skinned
- Freda Kreier, Freda Kreier
- Nature, 10.1038/d41586-023-02562-0
2022 Articles
8 746 articles
Analysis of Ancient Microbial DNA
- Olivier Gorgé, E Andrew Bennett, Diyendo Massilani, …, Julien Daligault, Eva-Maria Geigl, Thierry Grange
- Methods Mol Biol, 10.1007/978-1-0716-2871-3_6
Three assays for in-solution enrichment of ancient human DNA at more than a million SNPs
- Nadin Rohland, Swapan Mallick, Matthew Mah, …, Robert Maier, Nick Patterson, David Reich
- Genome Res, 10.1101/gr.276728.122
Ancient DNA from Protohistoric Period Cambodia indicates that South Asians admixed with local populations as early as 1st-3rd centuries CE
- Piya Changmai, Ron Pinhasi, Michael Pietrusewsky, …, Rona Michi Ikehara-Quebral, David Reich, Pavel Flegontov
- Sci Rep, 10.1038/s41598-022-26799-3
CONGA: Copy number variation genotyping in ancient genomes and low-coverage sequencing data
- Arda Söylev, Sevim Seda Çokoglu, Dilek Koptekin, …, Dilek Koptekin, Can Alkan, Mehmet Somel
- PLoS Comput Biol, 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010788
Genetic admixture and language shift in the medieval Volga-Oka interfluve
- Sanni Peltola, Kerttu Majander, Nikolaj Makarov, …, Kerkko Nordqvist, Elina Salmela, Päivi Onkamo
- Curr Biol, 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.036
Kinship practices in the early state El Argar society from Bronze Age Iberia
- Camila Oliart, Cristina Rihuete-Herrada, Adam B Rohrlach, …, Rafael Micó, Roberto Risch, Wolfgang Haak
- Sci Rep, 10.1038/s41598-022-25975-9
Unraveling Signatures of Local Adaptation among Indigenous Groups from Mexico
- Humberto GarcÃa-Ortiz, Francisco Barajas-Olmos, Cecilia Contreras-Cubas, …, Augusto Rojas-MartÃnez, Angélica MartÃnez-Hernández, Lorena Orozco
- Genes (Basel), 10.3390/genes13122251
Modeling the spatiotemporal spread of beneficial alleles using ancient genomes
- Rasa A Muktupavela, Martin Petr, Laure Ségurel, …, Thorfinn Korneliussen, John Novembre, Fernando Racimo
- Elife, 10.7554/elife.73767
Maternal genetic diversity of ancient goats in Finland and Estonia and comparison with extant northern European goat breeds
- Eve Rannamäe, Urmas Saarma, Juha Kantanen, …, Urmas Saarma, Juha Kantanen, Auli Bläuer
- Anim Genet, 10.1111/age.13281